Circulation in Humans|Double Circulation|Heart|Class 10|Science

2020-06-20 15

This video contains detail description of Blood and its components like PLASMA,WBC,RBC,EOSINOPHILS,NEUTROPHILS,BASOPHILS,T and B lymphocytes,Monocytes etc and its functions.
Working of Heart:
1.In mammalian heart,oxygenated and deoxygenated blood remain completely separate in left and right half respectively.
2.The deoxygenated blood from the entire body is brought to the right atrium.
3.The oxygenated blood from lungs is brought to left atrium by four pulmonary veins.
4.The two auricles contract and push blood into respective ventricles through right and left atrio-ventricular apertures.The backward flow of blood from auricles into the inferior vene cava is prevented by valves.
5.The two ventricles contract simultaneously.From right ventricle deoxygenated blood is pumped into pulmonary trunk and is carried to lung by pulmonary arteries.Presence of cuspid valves on the atrio-ventricular aperture prevent the back flow of blood into auricles.
6.From left ventricle oxygenated blood enters aorta.It distributes blood to all parts of the body except the lungs.

Separation of deoxygenated and oxygenated blood results in two independent circulations:
a)Pulmonary circulation for the oxygenation of deoxygenated blood.

b)Systemic circulation for the supply of fully oxygenated blood toall body organs.
Heart beat and Cardiac Cycle: 72 times per minute and 0.8 secs
BLood Pressure: 120/80mmHg measured by an instrument called Sphygmomanometer.

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